Mid-term Upgrade Recommendations

ActivePlatform has introduced an extension of its recommendation service: mid-term upgrade offers. The new feature supports the growth and success of your customers, ensuring that businesses can adapt quickly to their evolving needs.

Understanding Mid-term Upgrades

A "Mid-term upgrade" for subscriptions allows businesses to upgrade their subscription plan before the end of the current billing cycle. This means moving to a higher-tier plan with additional features and benefits without waiting for the subscription renewal date.
Example: Imagine a small business currently using Microsoft 365 Business Basic. As the company grows, it may require enhanced security, additional cloud storage, and advanced analytics tools available in Microsoft 365 Business Premium. Instead of waiting until the end of their billing cycle, they can opt for a mid-term upgrade. This way, they only pay for the upgraded features for the remaining period of the current cycle, making the transition smooth and cost-effective.

Key Features of Mid-term Upgrades

  • Timing: The upgrade occurs during the active subscription period, not at the renewal date.
  • Purpose: To access enhanced features, more storage, better support, or additional tools in a higher-tier plan.
  • Flexibility: Allows users to adapt their subscription to meet evolving needs without waiting for the next billing cycle.

Benefits of Mid-term Upgrades

  • Immediate Access: Gain immediate access to necessary features and tools without delay.
  • Scalability: Helps businesses scale their IT resources in response to growth or changing needs.
  • Cost Efficiency: Only pay for the additional features and benefits for the remainder of the current billing cycle.
  • Flexibility: Adjust subscription plans as needed, providing operational flexibility.

Upgrade recommendations in ActivePlatform

With the new functionality, upgrade recommendations do not require manual configuration of links between products. The platform automatically generates a list of upgrade-to products from switchable plans linked to the main product plans. This automation simplifies the upgrade process and ensures that the most relevant upgrade options are readily available to the customers.
Reseller managers can prioritize upgrade-to products and insert relevant information about these upgrades into notification templates for expiring subscriptions. This streamlined approach enhances the user experience by ensuring customers are always aware of the best options for their growing needs.

Explore the new functionality today

The enhanced recommendation service on ActivePlatform, featuring mid-term upgrade offers, provides a powerful tool for businesses to stay agile and responsive to their needs. Book your demo and experience the benefits of seamless, flexible subscription management with ActivePlatform.
About ActivePlatform
ActivePlatform is a full-service automated cloud brokering solution for cloud service providers and internal IT hubs that makes it easier to manage and control the cloud delivery and profitability. ActivePlatform unites vendors, providers, developers, and resellers into a single ecosystem for buying, selling, and managing cloud services. With its open vendor integration framework, ActivePlatform creates a vibrant catalog of cloud services ultimately helping businesses gain access to the services they need to thrive.
ActivePlatform enables SaaS, PaaS, IaaS aggregation, delivery, and monetization, provides simplified administration through central management, and enables critical visibility into resellers and cloud services consumption and usage. The platform has implementations with distributors, cloud solution providers, and telecom operators. ActivePlatform is headquartered in Europe.
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