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Get Automation Platform
to resell Cloud Services
in 21st Century

OnApp for Cloud Director Alternative
What do you need to sell IaaS & SaaS cloud services in the 21st century? You need a solution that's built with the future in mind. If you're choosing between ActivePlatform and OnApp, it's clear that one solution has a pulse on what's expected of a modern cloud reselling platform.

You need a solution that:
  • Is simple to deploy and use
  • Add new cloud services to resell
  • Is affordable
OnApp for Cloud Director
Ability to build and manage resellers network
Integration with public IaaS and SaaS services
IaaS and SaaS, including VMware Cloud Director
VMware Cloud Director and vCenter
Flexible customization of UI and customer's e-commerce portal
Custom domain, configurable layout and template, CSS, HTML5, custom JavaScript, adaptive interface
Custom CSS, configurable header and footer, custom logo and JavaScript
Open for new vendors and services
Vendor Portal with free access for ISV and cloud providers
Platform's flexibility
New features added on request
Public e-commerce store for customers
Yes, with own store for each reseller you have
Licensing terms
Affordable revenue share without fixed costs
Complex licensing by number of VMs and volume of vGB
Built for Cloud Resellers
Unlike OnApp for Cloud Director, ActivePlatform is built for cloud resellers. Maybe OnApp is more suitable to sell resources of VMware-based services solely, but we place a lot of value on the ability to sell through ActivePlatform a lot of cloud IaaS and SaaS services. We believe you should be able to sell not only private cloud resources, but sell services of the tens of highly popular cloud vendors.