Unlock the true value of your investment in ActivePlatform SaaS

Gain a clear understanding of your total cost of ownership and return on investment with our TCO/ROI calculator for Microsoft Direct CSP. Estimate direct costs, cost avoidance, efficiency savings, and business growth opportunities to make data-driven decisions.
Comprehensive cost analysis
ActivePlatform SaaS TCO/ROI calculator provides a detailed breakdown of your SaaS costs, ensuring you have full visibility into both direct expenses and cost-saving opportunities
  • Direct cost calculation
    Accurately assess your ActivePlatform SaaS fees and related expenses.
  • Cost avoidance insights
    Quantify savings from automated processes and operational efficiencies.
  • Business impact assessment
    Explore improvements in customer retention, lifetime value, and revenue growth.
Easy to use, powerful results
ActivePlatform SaaS TCO/ROI calculator is designed to be intuitive, delivering valuable insights with minimal effort.
Enter key business metrics – Provide data on your expected customer base, billed revenue, and operational costs.
Analyze savings potential – The calculator estimates cost savings and efficiency gains based on ActivePlatform SaaS pricing.
Review ROI insights – See a detailed breakdown of your estimated annual savings and three-year ROI.
Empower informed decisions
Get a transparent view of the financial impact of adopting
ActivePlatform SaaS
  • Understand total cost of ownership
    Evaluate both direct licensing costs and hidden savings from automation
  • Discover hidden value
    See how ActivePlatform SaaS can improve customer retention and lifetime value.
  • Leverage data-driven insights
    Use the results to compare solutions, negotiate pricing, and refine your strategy.
  • Maximize ROI
    Identify the best path to achieving maximum return on your SaaS investment.
ActivePlatform SaaS TCO/ROI calculator
for Microsoft Direct CSP
Specify the numbers for each year
Year 1
with active subscriptions
from these customers
Year 2
with active subscriptions
from these customers
Year 3
with active subscriptions
from these customers
Define operational costs related to handling transactions
How many transactions each customer requests annually
Time spent by your operations team per transaction
The average hourly wage of your operations team
Year 1 results
Licensing costs
ActivePlatform SaaS licensing fee
$ 0
Cost avoidance
Estimated savings from efficiency gains and reduced costs
$ 0
Net return from adopting ActivePlatform SaaS. Positive values are savings
$ 0
Percentage return based on licensing costs. Positive values are savings
0 %
Year 2 results
Licensing costs
ActivePlatform SaaS licensing fee
$ 0
Cost avoidance
Estimated savings from efficiency gains and reduced costs
$ 0
Net return from adopting ActivePlatform SaaS. Positive values are savings
$ 0
Percentage return based on licensing costs. Positive values are savings
0 %
Year 3 results
Licensing costs
ActivePlatform SaaS licensing fee
$ 0
Cost avoidance
Estimated savings from efficiency gains and reduced costs
$ 0
Net return from adopting ActivePlatform SaaS. Positive values are savings
$ 0
Percentage return based on licensing costs. Positive values are savings
0 %
Life cycle totals (3 years)
Licensing costs
Total ActivePlatform SaaS licensing costs (3 years)
$ 0
Cost avoidance
Total cost avoidance (3 years)
$ 0
Overall return (3 years). Positive values are savings
$ 0
ROI percentage (3 years). Positive values are savings
0 %
Average annual ROI
Positive values are savings
$ 0
Request a detailed analysis straight to your email
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